Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Legislation forces FAA's hand on UAVs

New legislation is going to require the FAA to official eased the rules for the use of drones and UAVs.

According to this article: "...the legislation also requires the FAA to expand the list of who can operate the drones, and where and when they can be flown. “A government public safety agency” will be able to operate drones of a certain size as long as certain safety conditions are met. And the FAA is now required “to safely accelerate the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.”"

The FAA already had plans to issue new rules, but now they have ninety days to publish the rules they were working on .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not dead yet

There is a growing possibility that I'll pick this project up before winter's end.

Meanwhile...Look! A bunch of nanoquad's used for examining swarm behavior.