I got started again. Used a multimeter and determined that it is, indeed, a bad connection in the power distribution wires.
I'll work on that Wednesday night and do some more troubleshooting.
But, hey! Back on task. That's something.
A step-by-step blog covering the creation of a quadcopter prototype and then converting that into a heavy frame hexacopter or octocopter to create an RC aerial photography platform.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
CNN talks drones
CNN has a video clip about the rise of drones and aerial cameras in the near future here.
It starts with use for real estate photography, then moves to use in law enforcement and short statements about other uses. But then it goes into a short interview with Chris Anderson of DIY Drones about why someone might want these for personal use.
Short, but interesting.
It starts with use for real estate photography, then moves to use in law enforcement and short statements about other uses. But then it goes into a short interview with Chris Anderson of DIY Drones about why someone might want these for personal use.
Short, but interesting.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Farhad Manjoo: "I love you killer drone"
Slate writer Farhad Manjoo writes about how cute quadrotor drones are and what changes they are sure to present to warfare and police work in the near future: Slate Magazine
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Legislation forces FAA's hand on UAVs
New legislation is going to require the FAA to official eased the rules for the use of drones and UAVs.
According to this article: "...the legislation also requires the FAA to expand the list of who can operate the drones, and where and when they can be flown. “A government public safety agency” will be able to operate drones of a certain size as long as certain safety conditions are met. And the FAA is now required “to safely accelerate the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.”"
The FAA already had plans to issue new rules, but now they have ninety days to publish the rules they were working on .
According to this article: "...the legislation also requires the FAA to expand the list of who can operate the drones, and where and when they can be flown. “A government public safety agency” will be able to operate drones of a certain size as long as certain safety conditions are met. And the FAA is now required “to safely accelerate the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.”"
The FAA already had plans to issue new rules, but now they have ninety days to publish the rules they were working on .
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Not dead yet
There is a growing possibility that I'll pick this project up before winter's end.
Meanwhile...Look! A bunch of nanoquad's used for examining swarm behavior.
Meanwhile...Look! A bunch of nanoquad's used for examining swarm behavior.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I really need to get back on this project. A trip out of town, holidays, winter-blahs and Skyrim have all taken the place of being industrious and focusing effort on this project.
And then there is being accountable to your blog, which creates guilt, rather than action. Projects are hard, especially when you are not really sure what to do next or run into a mysterious problem that is going to take a lot of effort to figure out.
I got a multimeter for my birthday, so I am on the right track for pin pointing the issue, hopefully. But it is a matter of putting my "sculpture" on the work bench and starting to tear it apart. I need to get to it, dammit!
Tonight I have a photo gig in Seattle, so it is unlikely I'll do anything at all on the project, but hopefully some work will get applied on Friday evening or this weekend. Can't hide from my failures in Skyrim all winter, can I?
And then there is being accountable to your blog, which creates guilt, rather than action. Projects are hard, especially when you are not really sure what to do next or run into a mysterious problem that is going to take a lot of effort to figure out.
I got a multimeter for my birthday, so I am on the right track for pin pointing the issue, hopefully. But it is a matter of putting my "sculpture" on the work bench and starting to tear it apart. I need to get to it, dammit!
Tonight I have a photo gig in Seattle, so it is unlikely I'll do anything at all on the project, but hopefully some work will get applied on Friday evening or this weekend. Can't hide from my failures in Skyrim all winter, can I?
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