Friday, November 11, 2011

Great examples of multicopter photography/video

On Fridays I intend to list links, pics and videos from other people that have been flying multicopters. Following the long tradition of posting time-consuming media for the destruction of productivity at the end of the week. That's what blogs are for, right?

First a couple of blogs and articles:
From June 2008, a short blog from an unnamed author documenting his build process
An amazing article about preparing and then field modifying a quadcopter intended to track bats in flight.

Flickr user sjardine has taken a gallery of aerial photos with his quadrocopter:

Photo gallery found here.

Video taken by a hexacopter flying in Cameroon, Africa:

And a pro aerial photographer's demo real:

Copter Kids Aerial Reel from Trent Palmer on Vimeo.

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