Thursday, December 1, 2011

No more waiting

Okay, the package from HobbyKing has arrived. It was pretty quick once it finally left the shipping warehouse in Hong Kong. (Wonder if they just wait until the air-freight container is full?)

Yes, unboxing photos. How geeky, right?

The two white boxes in the foreground are the quad-frames, with the rest of the parts laid out on a work table. The four motors are light blue (and tiny). The slim little 15-18A ESCs have orange labels. By weight it certainly feels like that blue LiPo battery is the most heavy component.

Remaining is a trip to Radio Shack or Fry's to get wire, solder, soldering iron and a trip to the craft store to get some Gorilla Glue for the frame. (Second frame is "spare parts".)

I'll have to choose this weekend between crafting in Skyrim or crafting in the real world. Good thing I have this blog to act as accountability or else I would totally slack-off this weekend. I still might slack-off some...

Interesting side-note. My invoice apparently lists the wholesale prices for these parts (oops!) And the shipping and handling just lists the shipping costs. The wholesale for my $300+ in parts is $74 and my $77 S&H charge only costs them $27. Nice profit margin there.

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